Strawberries are one of the most popular spring and summer fruits. In addition to being delicious, they are easy to grow, which is why the strawberry plant is a recommended plant to have on a terrace.
Cultivation sheet: strawberry
- common name:
- Strawberry
- Scientific name:
- Fragaria spp.
- Life cycle:
- Perennial herb.
- Height:
- 0.15 to 0.2 m
Planting/sowing time:
Sow in January/February, sow from March.
In order to have strawberries all year round, we can choose a variety that bears fruit throughout the summer and not just 15 days in spring.
Harvest time: Spring/summer. Harvest the fruits that are already ripe in the morning, so they are in better condition. The strawberry plant needs to be pollinated. When taking the fruits, be careful to separate the flowers to make life easier for the insects.
Recommended growing location: Sunny locations (more than five hours a day in spring/summer).
Substrate: Use one that is suitable for vegetables or small fruits. In spring, you can add earthworm humus to help with fruiting. Rule: He likes to have the soil always fresh and moist, and mulch (pine bark) so that the fruits do not combine in contact with the soil, as we do not like it.
Flower pot/vase type: Any as long as it is 20 cm (length or diameter) and at least 20 cm deep. I don’t like having the fruits in contact with the earth. Often, it is chosen to cover the ground with straw or pine bark. We can use hanging planters, planters/pots suitable for strawberry plants, or hanging plants so that the fruits are suspended outside.
Have you ever thought about planting strawberries in pots or beds? This fruit is among the favorites of Brazilians and can be used in juices, jellies, cakes, fillings for tapioca, drinks, and dozens of other dishes. Strawberry = pseudofruit
The strawberry, in reality, is a pseudocarp, that is, a pseudofruit or a “false fruit” since it is the result of the growth of the tissue of the receptacle that contains the ovaries of the flower. The real fruits are the so-called “strawberry seeds”, which are of the achene type – a type of dry fruit – and which contain a single seed each. Each flower has many ovaries and each one generates, when fertilized, an achene.
how to plant onions
Have you ever thought about planting strawberries in pots or beds? This fruit is among the favorites of Brazilians and can be used in juices, jellies, cakes, fillings for tapioca, drinks, and dozens of other dishes. In this article, we explain the step by step to cultivate them, showing several tips for soil preparation, watering, lighting, and necessary care with the harvest. Good reading!
Strawberry = pseudofruit
The strawberry, in reality, is a pseudocarp, that is, a pseudofruit or a “false fruit”, since it is the result of the growth of the tissue of the receptacle that contains the ovaries of the flower. The real fruits are the so-called “strawberry seeds”, which are of the achene type – a type of dry fruit – and which contain a single seed each. Each flower has many ovaries and each one generates, when fertilized, an achene.
plant strawberry
The strawberry plant is a short-lived perennial that usually reaches 10 to 30 centimeters in height. Its leaves are trifoliate, that is, each leaf has three leaflets, like a clover, and they are also edible, especially when the leaves are younger. The entire plant can be used for medicinal purposes.
How to plant strawberries in flower beds?
The strawberry is usually planted through seedlings from the stolons (or stolons) of the strawberry tree. The stolen or stolon is a creeping stem that grows eventually releasing roots and shoots, originating new plants. The recommendation is to buy seedlings from suppliers at the beginning of the plantation and, in the following years, to obtain seedlings from the stolons of these plants. Cut the stolons to remove the seedlings when they are well developed, cutting in half the length between the buds (the seedlings) on each stolen. Some gardeners wait for the seedlings to take root before separating them from the parent plant, others cut back as soon as the shoots on the runners have 3 to 5 leaves. The recommended spacing for planting is 20 to 35 cm between plants. Another way to propagate strawberries is through seeds. This method is mostly used by people interested in obtaining new strawberry varieties.
The ideal soil for strawberry planting is well-drained, fertile, and rich in organic matter. The ideal soil pH is between 5.5 and 6.5.
ideal climate
In terms of climate, they grow well in different temperature ranges. Some can be grown in warmer regions, however, a period of low temperatures during winter is always necessary. Ideally, the temperature should not exceed, on average, 22°C during fruiting. In addition, sunny days and cool nights are believed to lead to the production of the best strawberries.
In temperate, subtropical, or high-altitude tropical regions, strawberries can be grown with relative ease. In regions where the temperature is not low during winter, strawberry seedlings can be placed in a refrigerated environment at approximately 4°C for 15 to 20 days, before being planted.
Most strawberry cultivars are sensitive to photoperiod, that is, to the number of hours of light in a day. Among these, there are long-day cultivars and short-day cultivars. Long-day cultivars are suitable for regions at high latitudes, where the length of daylight varies considerably during the year. There are cultivars that are not sensitive to photoperiod. It is important to choose cultivars suitable for your region.
Strawberry plants need good light to grow well, with at least a few hours of direct sunlight daily. In warmer regions, the strawberry can be shaded during the hottest hours of the day. However, when grown without direct sunlight for at least a few hours a day, yields tend to be lower.
How to plant strawberries in a pot?
As it is a small plant with relatively shallow roots, the strawberry plant can be easily grown in pots and planters. In addition, it is also widely grown in hydroponic systems.
To plant strawberries in pots, choose a large pot with a top diameter of at least 20 centimeters. Make a drainage layer at the bottom using building stones or expanded clay. Prepare a substrate using 1/3 of topsoil, 1/3 of vermiculite, and 1/3 of organic matter, which can be earthworm humus, and chicken manure, among other compounds. Fill the pot or planter to the brim.
As for irrigation, it must be carried out in a way that keeps the soil always moist, however, in a way that does not leave it soggy. Strawberries are typically planted from late summer to late autumn, depending on the climate of the region: earlier in cooler regions and later in warmer regions. Long-day cultivars grown in temperate regions are also planted in spring.
Planting care
In beds, you need to cover the soil with mulch or opaque plastic with holes in it to help control weeds and prevent strawberries from coming into direct contact with the soil. There are studies that show that strawberries grown in soil with mulch have a high concentration of sugar, flavonoids, and anthocyanins, compared to those grown in soil covered with black plastic. Cut the stolons as they appear to induce the plant to produce more strawberries.
Harvesting the Strawberries
We come to the most delicious and awaited part: the harvest! Strawberries should be picked when they are ripe, daily, or every other day. Harvest by cutting the stalk, without touching the strawberry. Strawberries are perennials, but they only do well for two or three years. So, replace the plants after this period to ensure a good harvest. Some horticulturists even replace the plants every year for the best results.
Did you like to learn how to plant strawberries in pots or beds? Here on Planter’s blog, you will find a lot of content about growing vegetables, fruits, flowers, trees, and foliage!