cultivation of guava tips to grow fast

cultivation of guava tips to grow fast

The production of guava allows the producer several ways to use the fruits. When purchased under irrigation, it can produce more than one crop per year; Therefore, it is a crop that offers good results not only with commercialization in the domestic market but also in the export market.

The economic importance of the guava culture is due to the various forms of use of its fruit.

Guava is a small tree, which can reach three to six meters in height. Its leaves are opposite, with an elliptical-obturated shape, and fall off after maturation. Guava fruits have the size and function of the cultivar. Fruiting began two years after planting in a definitive place, of course, from the dispensed early developmental tracts and forms. The growth of guavas in Brazil is significantly and gradually produced by an increase in the planted area and an increase in crop yield. Much of the growth in guava consumption in the country is due to the high content of vitamins that this fruit has.

Guava, in addition to having a low-calorie content, 88 calories per 100 grams of fruit, also contains between 200 and 300 milligrams of vitamin C, which places it in second place in the ranking of fruits with the highest levels of vitamin C, as important for human health, only for acerola and ahead of orange. The economic importance of this culture is due to the various forms of use of its fruit. For national fruit pulps, the domestic market is expanding and shows are manufactured by the manufacture of mass sweets, ice cream parlors, and confectioneries, in addition to dairy products. The guava is also very useful in fruits, nectar, juices, fresh, compote, cookies, and other very useful dry products.

The yield can be by the guava tree reaching 100 kg per plant. These rains were determined areas in cultures, and implantation is required. Production in irrigated areas can reach up to 200 kg per plant per year. For the success of the production, the producer must carry out efficiently all stages of production, however, the harvest proves to be one of the most important stages. 

This is because small oversights, in this process, can expose the entire investment made to risks. The percentage of waste, the durability of the fruit, its shelf life in supermarkets, the flavor and the quality of the industrialized product, as well as the appearance, largely depend on the care adopted at the time of harvest.

The fruits intended for the industrialization of pulps and juices must be harvested directly in boxes of 20 kilos. After being harvested, they must be taken to the processing house, where they will be weighed and, still inside the boxes, stored in cold rooms, where they are frozen waiting for buyers.

For more information, consult the Guava Production course, prepared by the CPT – Centro de Produção Técnica. The course addresses issues such as factors that attribute the quality to guava, varieties, spacing and planting, cultural practices, pests, and diseases, among others. Also read our other article Growing guava is a source of income for rural producers.

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